Friday 20 March 2020

Recount by Moana

                              My Day At Town
First on Sunday 1st of March Me, my brother Havea, my Cousin Nio, my sister
Rachel and my uncle Una, we were all bored at our house. So, my uncle, Una
decided to take us all to town to play basketball.

Next, we all started to get ready and wait for Una to finish cleaning his room up,
so a few hours later he was finished so he said “Go grab my keys and wait in the
car.'' Then I grabbed the keys as fast as I could and ran to the car to unlock it.
When I unlocked it I sat down, when I was looking at the window Havea tried to
scare me by tapping on the window but I already saw him, anyways they all came
and sat down, my uncle started driving to town and we got there, once we got
there we all got out of the car and except for my uncle, he had to find parking.

He told us to meet him at the park so we did and my siblings/cousin ran to the
basketball court and started playing but I was playing on the playground on the
swings, my uncle came along and started to record them playing basketball he
also recorded me too, but then Havea went up the stairs to chuck the ball down
to Nio, Raechal was with me. Raechal wanted to go up the stairs so I went up the
stairs too but the ground was see-through so you can see what’s underneath you.
It was pretty scary at first but now I just realized that it wasn’t that bad

My sister and I came down the stairs and went to the courts and watched the
boys play basketball, I thought it was boring so I went to my uncle and I went
inside the water to wash my feet, my uncle took some photos of me and posted
it on Instagram. I came out and put my scuffs back on to let my feet dry up,
my uncle said to take a walk around, and we found a bridge where it goes up it
looked really cool, when it came down we went on it to get to the other side and
we saw a small library with chairs so we all sat down to relax a bit and leave but
we were playing handball, the boy's team won but we wanted a rematch.

We went back to the courts and played basketball, I didn’t want to play because
I’m not a fan of basketball, but I was the one taking the photos of them, they
also made a bet on whoever loses has to do the dishes. While they were
playing a teenager wanted to play so we let him play and surprisingly the
boys won again.

Finally, we went home and we all fell asleep.


  1. nice and great moana keep it up room 7

  2. wow! that is very amazing to hear your recount I loved the way your uncle went with you's to play basketball.
